About Us

The driving force behind Pardes Hamelech is Rabbi Meir Ellituv, who, together with a team of Torah scholars, compiled and edited the Rebbe’s sichos on Rambam in their entirety.

Rabbi Elituv has spent decades disseminating the Rebbe’s teachings to the Torah-learning public. For more than ten years, Rabbi Elituv has published study aids and pamphlets for students of the Daf Yomi, including the Rebbe’s Hadranim on various tractates. Rabbi Elituv has authored several books in Hebrew on the Rebbe’s teachings and approach to Torah study, which received broad acclaim and continue to enjoy wide circulation in the Torah world in general and in the Chabad community in particular.

He is famous for his work titled “Mishnato Shel HaRebbe MiLubavitch–The Teachings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe,” the only book of its kind which attempts to paint the portrait of the Rebbe’s unique approach to Torah study.

Some four years ago, Rabbi Elituv began to compile the Rebbe’s teachings on Rambam within the weekly “D’var HaMalchus” publication. The project soon grew into the set of Pardes Hamelech in Hebrew, which is now being rendered into English.

The project was closely accompanied by the sage rabbinic counsel of Rabbi Michoel Halperin, Rabbi Tuvia Blau, and Rabbi Shalom Rabinovitch, and was carried out with the express approval of Kehot Publication Society, the Chabad publishing arm tasked with the dissemination of the Rebbe’s teachings.